Today, I was at the bwHPC Symposium in Mannheim. I was curious to listen to interesting talks and get to know what other people are working on at the moment. The agenda featured a well-stirred mixture of diverse topics including not only research topics but also tools such as for file sharing and infrastrucure.
The University of Mannheim organized this symposium. It took place at the Aula of the Schloss in the middle of Mannheim where they took good care of us. Beforehand I was particularly interested to see what other people in this space are working on and get to know other people in this space.
The beginning of the day was filled with general talks about HPC resources and some information about funding. Afterwards, Niklas Baumgarten gave a very nice talk about a resource-constrained monte-carlo method which was applied to acoustic waves. He was followed by talks using particle simulations, machine learning and after the break 3 talks about workflows surrounding data-acquisition and analysis at the LHC. It was again very impressive and instructive to see such a high demand for large distributed systems.
Continuing further, it was time for more applied topics such as the microstructure of batteries and the machine learning potential to interpolate between classical particle and full quantum-mechanical simulations. In the last block of the day, we heard a talk about Galaxy, a crop-model and improvements in resultion to climate models.
In addition to the many talks, I also presented a poster. I have developed a novel simulation tool called cellular_raza
which offers previously unknown flexibility in constructing cellular models but also retains excellent performance. I hope to be publishing this tool towards the end of this year.
You can find my contribution here:
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